
Summer Storm of 2003

Or at least that is what they're calling it. As I was getting ready for work this morning and adding all the man-produced chemicals to straigten my hair, I heard about a severe thunderstorm heading my way. I decided I would increase the amount of hair products to ensure I had a fighting chance against Mother Nature. As I sectioned my hair off to dry it, the power starting playing games with me. I begged the hair gods to just let me get my frizzy, curly, can-never-make-up-its-mind hair dry. As I moved to the last section with seconds to spare, the power took its final bow; I was officially without juice. Right then, my girlfriend/coworker called me. At her apartment complex, the thunder, lightening, and severe winds were really kicking up. Because I live in a tank, I really couldn't hear much at all. She had decided to jump back out of the shower because of looming weather for which I told her she was retarded. I think she retorted something about me being bull headed.

I was determined to get to work and to not let the weather stop me. As I drove out of the neighborhood, most of the storm had passed. Apparently, there was something called micro bursts in which the wind and rain kind of react like someone dropping a water balloon. It causes straight-line winds, which can be extremely serious. Leaves and branches littered the side streets. As I pulled onto the main road, I noticed giant trees had been snapped in two. Power lines were down, and all the stoplights were out. Some of the signal lights had been blown down and many more were twisted and dangling by a lone wire. Some of the streetlights had come toppling down as well, and many that hadn't met the ground were leaning toward it. A trip that normally takes twenty-five minutes took me over two hours. I heard reports of windows being busted and buildings being torn down. I drove past an older apartment complex that had many large trees in it. Some of the trees snapped and were resting on the apartments. I could see holes in the roof and people standing outside to survey the damage. It looked very much like a tornado had ripped through town. I later learned that winds picked up speeds that exceeded 80mph.

So, my city is quite a mess. The last I heard, there were over 300,000 people without power and many more without water due to the pumps being broken. I am grateful to report I am not one of those people tonight. My house is in tact as are all of our large trees. Our toilets are flushing (thank GOD), and the air conditioning is running smoothly (ah sha sha). I still feel incredibly sorry for all the crews that will probably work the entire night through. I always think about them when bad weather hits. Most people, if they are anything like me, kind of like the break from the daily grind. We look forward to not having to go to work or getting to come in late. There's just something exciting when the city stops. People finally have the time for one another and even genuine concern. But those poor electric crews are busier than ever. I can't even imagine all the stress that they under tonight. They are like the armed forces of our city, which has me thinking...Why aren't the TV anchors ever telling us where to drop off home-baked goodies for the crew workers?


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