
No Stuffing, Please

I'm probably alone in this, but I've never been a fan of Thanksgiving. In fact, about the only thing I have ever really liked about it (as an adult), is that I get a day off from work. The food doesn't do much to woo me into a state of overeating oblivion. It does usually allow me a long nap, and I am always grateful for that.

Yesterday, my sister and her husband didn't make it to my grandparents' house, which was very untraditional for them. She did call, and I stole the phone from my mother to talk to her. I guess I caught her off gaurd as she said, "Who is this?" to which I replied, "It's your SIS-TER!" and everyone in the background started to laugh. We chatted for a few minutes and lamented about how working the mall has its good and bad points this time of year. Before handing the phone back to my mother, I told my sister that I loved her. She started to laugh and said "bye," but I told her to tell me that she loved me too, to which all the eavesdroppers laughed again. Cracking up, she appeased me with an "I love you too."

I also got to see my newest cousin, which for some strange reason, is like having an elephant in the room. I cannot accept the fact that he is actually family and my aunt's child. I kept looking at her and looking at him in complete disbelief. He is about fourteen months old, and even though I saw my aunt pregnant with him, I still can't accept the fact she has had a child. I am also very scared of him. He did come waddling into the bathroom as I was putting on lipstick. I bent down with the sneaky idea that maybe I would put some on him, and he suddenly decided to dump his toy into the toilet. Luckily, I stopped that one from happening; however, I didn't think about him sticking himself in the toilet. To my horror, I shrieked and jumped out into the hall. My aunt was right behind me and quickly scooped him into the sink for a thorough hand washing.

When everything was said and done, we had a really nice Thanksgiving. I enjoyed watching my grandfather stuff himself as he exclaimed that every item is the best he's ever had. I was disappointed to see that my grandmother did not make her famous homemade rolls. As I mentioned not too long ago, she decided to have a facelift this year, which she promised would not impact her cooking abilities. When I voiced my unhappiness, she asked me if I didn't like the bread. I told her that I usually never discriminate against any kind of bread, and though these rolls were good, they weren't hers.

I did get to read some yesterday. Sadly, I am still working on one of the books my mother bought for me from my birthday (Stiff). Everytime I pull it out, I get lots of questions on how I chose such a book. I actually read an excerpt on Salon, and I immediately fell in love with the author's sarcasm. (Shocking, I know.) So, now I am down to my very last chapter. We shall see if I can hold myself still long enough to finish it before Christmas gets here.


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