
Pucker Up

Recently, I've been spending more money on a newer addiction. At first, I thought I could control it, but I'm starting to realize the more I buy, the more I want to buy. As a pragmatic personality, any addiction is a problem that must be nipped in the bud.

I've been whoring myself out for make-up. Usually, it has to be something fancy to catch my eye, but recently I discovered Sephora. See, I have been avoiding this store for a few years because I passed it up thinking it was just a really smelly perfume store. I was in Vegas walking the strip and my aunt asked me if I wanted to go in. As I stood by the door, there was this extremely heavy, pungent mixture of perfumes. I immediately winced and thought "headache." Then, however, a girlfriend of mine who goes to school in Manhattan was talking about it. She said they carried all kinds of make-up--like the make-up they typically mention using on the superstars, etc.

And so, the whoring begins. I remember when I worked at Limited. We were connected to Victoria's Secret and Express. I used to walk across to the other stores and look around. One Christmas, Express had all kinds of colors of nail polish. It was really the first year new colors came out, like greens & blues & GLITTER. I asked for every color, which I still own. Luckily, those colors have hung around. I own polishes that change colors or reflect two different colors. Lately, I've been pouring over lip-glosses & lipsticks that change color, glitter, reflect, shine, sparkle, smell, and/or taste. It's like I can't stop myself when the ingredients consist of "glitter" or "crystal."

I own body glitter, glitter dust, glitter eye shadow, glitter blush, glitter lipstick, glitter lip-gloss, and even glitter mascara. Mind you I don't wear all these light-transforming glitter products at the same time. I would light up like a Christmas tree if I dare tried. But the fact remains, I continue to buy these products with lip-gloss being my nemesis. There is some 13-year-old girl trapped inside me who can't satiate her need to sparkle.

To shine or not to shine? That is the question.


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